Saturday, August 23, 2008

First Day of School

Allie started Pre-K 3 this week. She goes 3 days a week from 9-2. She absolutely loves school. Every day in the summer she would get up and ask if it was a school day. She loves her teacher and has most of the same kids from last year in her class. She loves going to music, she is already singing new songs!! Thanks to her awesome teachers!!!!!!!!!

Allie getting into the van in the morning!

Allie walking into the building:)

Allie in assembly saying her pledges:)

Allie in music -- jumping around :)

Allie actually took a nap:) 1st nap all summer!!!!!!!


scott said...

Hey Cindy, enjoy the time that Allie likes school...I am sure that she will realize that school is not fun sooner or later.

Dianne said...

Ahhh, the much needed nap after the first day of school, happened at my house too. So glad she loves school, she looks so grown up with her back pack, ready to go. So cute!